Wow,many people keep asking me why i'm still attend this "oh my god" orientation since i will leaving soon..
The answer is i want to feel once that feeling..haha..and today i feel it!!
Actually when morning is quite boring like playing some softgames ,icebreaking all that stuff..
but i like the so called explorace at around 10.45pm ..
i was been grouped to my lovely group 3....
we have 8 checkpoint.. sorry but i can't remember what activities is carried out at corresponding checkpoint..
i just remember , 1stly my group have to draw a world cup country flags on our face..guess what?my group draw japan..hahah..because it was the easiest!! then , we went to the dataran seroja to challenge the chopstick ..we are requeired to use chopstick to take the guli from one bowl to another..muahaha..guess what? we just let the guli fly from one bowl to another ..can imagine right ?..hahaha,,
after finished it, we when to the classroom i think.. have so word puzzle with the word"BELIA BENCI DADAH"haha.. then we continue to a place where i sit down and close my eyes while my group member blow balloon until it burst ..guess what again..?haha..the balloon contain flour but i'm still ok with it..haha..
later on , went to do the itik jalan around the pond..omg- -it's very very tired man!!! but the senior said i'm so cute?! haha.. thanks .. then go the badminton court is it ? to dancing and
drink the "mixture" ..but i still want to say something about this.. i can accept the drink , but please don't use same cup for everyone .. it is disgusting and NOT HYGIENE !! (now my stomach feel like want go toilet ady..) then go to the parking part to find a car..then run aroud the field acting as a motorcyclist ~= ='' quite stupid here ..then need to sing and dance again... senior like to sing n dance i think ?.. then the final one .. go the koperasi there and kopek bawang putih and eat it.. until now my mouth ..yerr.. don't come near me please..i use listerine to wash my mouth oso useless!!! arghhh!! but overall still ok la.. thanks senior ya..all the best for urs coming stpm..!!