Friday, 22 April 2011

Just a post to motivate myself.

Finally, i got my pre-AS examination results, and it was totally disappointed me , my friends and my family.I weaken by those results.My friends keep comfort me and encourage me not to give up,but i still in the state of giving up myself.I know i shouldn't,i know i should improve myself, change those weakness into my strength.But it seem like my attitude really concur all over my brain , affecting my thinking, thus weaken my body.From now on, it just left not more than 14 days.The real AS examination is just around the corner.Guess what? i'm still haven't finish revise all the four subjects.Everyone is buried their head in the books but i'm still loose myself, giving lots of reasons not to study.OMG,i really a failure.Everytime i promised myself to improve myself, it seem meaningless.I simply hope that i can get all A in my exam,clear the cut off points and fly to India to continue my study.I don't want to stop in the middle.I don't want to make those that love me disappointed on me.I don't want to be the one who left behind.So, God ,please lend me Your strength to push myself forward.And to all my friends, wish you guys can get very good results.I promised i will see you guys at India next year! Yee Yew, keep going ! Don't ever look back! You can do it !! Trust the one inside yourself, if you believe it, you can do it!
Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.

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